A return?
First of all, hello.
It's been 7 years since I last published anything here but there's apparently a few posts I'd drafted up over the years but never finished for posting though, lol.
It really feels like nothing much has changed but at the same time, sitting here and comparing where I was in 2017 to where I am now is quite a difference, I guess. Many things have happened since then but I definitely can't remember it all so I'm just going to talk about the things that are relevant to me (since this is my blog, right?). I'm going to be writing a lot more free-form without any structure really, which has been a long-time coming as over the past few years I've slowly been trying to just do things that I want to do and take action without overthinking. To that end I want to just start acting on my intentions and if that means word vomit then so be it.
I have a tendancy to ramble and I'm afraid that it can be offputting or just straight up bore people so I intend to do that through my own personal outlets here or wherever else I see fit. Videos about things I am interested in are at the forefront of my mind right now with my obsession surrounding Instax Square photography just bursting at the seems of me head to get out. I wanna talk about it so much and I think it doesn't really matter to who.
This is going to be a short post. It feels like there's a lot more I want to say but I just can't think of how to put it into words right now so it'll have to be for another time. With that being said I'm just going to hit publish on this thing just to make sure I get it out and not hesitate about
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