Finally online!

Hello audience,

The website is at last up and running! There are still a few things that need to be tweaked here and there, but the site is overall functional - a feat of which I am quite proud.

I'd like to take a moment to thank everyone that's supported me thus far via Facebook or Instagram pages (which you can find links to at the bottom of the site!), friends and family who have encouraged me to pursue my dream and specifically my brother Matt, who was an an invaluable help in setting up the website.

Anyway, about the site. I'm going to be using this for documentation of my projects (mostly film and photography-related) moving forward. Blogs will hopefully allow me to communicate with you guys and will encompass a variety of topics related to my work, with example topics including experiences, equipment reviews and general thoughts among others.

It was surprisingly eye-opening to review my archives to find portfolio-worthy photographs for the site and I actually struggled with finding the minimum of 10 per category that I had set. If that's not an incentive to improve, I don't know what is. You might also notice that the Cinematography portion of my portfolio is empty. Because there are a few projects that haven't been released yet by other parties involved, I don't want to spoil the surprise for the reveal that they might be hoping for. By the end of the summer, I'm hoping to have a decent demo reel posted.

I suppose that's all for now. See you later!


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